"Learn and Grow" - Successful Conclusion of CCN Chinese Club at Hao Binh Latrobe School in Vietnam
“经一事,长一智” ——在越南Hao Binh Latrobe学校举办的CCN中文俱乐部圆满结束

From August 28th to 31st, 2023, CCN Vietnam and Hoa Binh Latrobe School collaborated to organize the first joint Chinese Language and Culture Exchange Club. The aim was to enable students to have direct exposure to and experience Chinese language and culture. This event attracted more than 300 students from the 10th and 11th grades of Hoa Binh Latrobe School in Vietnam.
2023 年 8 月 28 日至 2023 年 8 月 31 日,CCN 越南与河内 Hoa Binh Latrobe 学校合作举办了中国文化和语言交流俱乐部,旨在让学生直接接触和体验汉语语言和文化。该活动吸引了该校 10 年级和 11 年级的 300 名学生参加。
“ ‘经 一 事,长 一 智”, ‘or in English, ‘By every experience a person increases his knowledge,’ is a Chinese proverb. In other words, it means that having one more language is like having one more window to the world. For many Vietnamese students participating in these events, a new chapter in their lives began with the cultural and language exchange activities of the CCN Chinese Club. Hopefully, many students were inspired and will choose to study in China because of their newfound fondness for Chinese culture and knowledge.”
“经 一 事,长 一 智”,多一个语言是多的一新世界。也许,好多同学生的新生活自从越南 CCN 中文俱乐部的文化和语言体验活动而开始。也许好多同学生因为了喜欢中国的文化和知识而选择去中国留学。

For this event, CCN invested special efforts in designing teaching materials suitable and attractive to high school students. In terms of the teaching staff, CCN Vietnam’s teachers are highly qualified and experienced university professors. In just a short four-day period, students were able to acquire very practical knowledge, covering different topics such as Chinese Pinyin, greetings, self-introductions, and asking about prices. The intuitive and easily understandable teaching methods, combined with interactive and diverse games and activities, created a highly creative, lively, exciting, and conducive learning atmosphere for the students.
对于本次活动,CCN 已经投入了很大精力设计教材,在教师队伍方面,CCN 越南的老师都是高水平、教学经验丰富的大学老师。 仅仅在短短的四天时间, 但学生们已经掌握了非常实用的知识,比如汉语拼音、打招呼、自我介绍、 问价格等。 直观易懂的教学方式,结合互动性高的丰富的各种游戏和活动, 给学生带来了极富创造力,充满活跃、兴奋和学习氛围。
During the classes, students had the unique opportunity for one-on-one sessions with CCN’s Chinese teachers. Despite the fact that most of the new students were encountering Chinese for the first time, they enthusiastically participated in discussions. With each interaction in Chinese, the students gained confidence and found joy in communicating with foreign teachers.
在课程中同学生有机会与 CCN 中国老师一对一一起学习,虽然大多数新学生第一次接触中文,但都大胆地发言,每一次与中文接触,学生们都会变得更加自信,并喜欢与外国老师交流。
Beside the Chinese language classes, students were also treated to an immersive journey through the vibrant tapestry of Chinese culture. They had the opportunity to engage in captivating activities like the intricate art of paper-cutting and origami, and the culinary adventure of dumpling making. These cultural experiences deepened their appreciation for China’s magnificent 5000-year cultural heritage.
除了各种学术活动外,学生也可以体验中国丰富多彩的文化活动,包括剪纸 艺术、折纸艺术,包饺子等等,让学生更加了解具有 5000 年文化历史的中国。

For students with a keen interest in exploring educational opportunities in China, a passion for the Chinese language, and aspirations to win a scholarships for studying in China, the CCN Chinese Language and Culture Club serves as an invaluable platform. It offers them a unique opportunity to acquire a profound and authentic understanding of the Chinese language, as well as insights into the various study options in China. This platform not only facilitates academic growth but also inspires students to choose study in China as a personal development journey. It symbolizes a commitment where students invest their youth and passion into their academic pursuits, shaping both their knowledge and character.
对于学生想寻找前往中国留学的机会并学生热爱中文而有意向申请中国的奖 学金,CCN 中文俱乐部就是让学生更真实地了解中国语言、中国留学的机会, 支持大学的四年时光中青春和心地投入的知识和人品同步升高。