Empowering Chinese Enterprises Going Global: Voices of International Students Study in China
As Chinese enterprises are embarking on a new era of grand global expansion, skilled local talent plays a pivotal role in bridging markets and cultures. International students studying in China are uniquely positioned to support this effort, contributing to the success of Chinese companies abroad as they navigate overseas markets and foster international cooperation.
Since its establishment in 2016, China Campus Network (CCN) has been at the forefront of building a robust “Study in China” ecosystem. As of September 2024, there are over 4,000 foundation students globally, with more than 3,000 graduates who have pursued bachelor’s or master’s degrees at member universities, contributing a steady stream of high-quality “Study in China” talent for cultural, economic, trade, and technological exchanges between China and other countries, especially in Belt and Road regions.
自 2016 年成立以来,CCN一直走在构建来华留学新生态的最前沿。截至2024年9月,CCN全球预科学生规模已超4000名,预科毕业生在各成员高校完成本科或硕士学位学习已超过3000名,为中国与世界各国 ,特别是“一带一路”国家在文化、经济、贸易及科技往来中成规模输送了高质量的“来华留学”本地化人才。
Through industry-education collaboration, as Chinese enterprises Going Global with the support of international students in China, what unique advantages do these students possess? How can these advantages be leveraged? Let’s listen to the voices of the international students themselves.

To facilitate the career development and success of international students in China and globally by integrating resources from governments, universities, and enterprises worldwide, CCN plans to launch the China Alumni Network (CAN), in partnership with CCN member universities and their alumni. Let us all look forward to this!
为了通过整合中外政、校、企等各方资源,推动全球来华留学生在中国及全球化发展背景下职业发展的成长与成功,CCN即将联合CCN各成员高校及其来华留学生校友,发起成立CCN“来华留学生全球校友联盟”(China Alumni Network, CAN),让我们一起期待!