2023-2024学年CCN IFP学生顺利完成学业
CCN Celebrates the Graduation of IFP Students
394 IFP Students Studied at Seven CCN IFP Centers
From September 2023 to July 2024, 394 International Foundation Program (IFP) students from ten countries—Russia, Belarus, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Poland, Vietnam, and Mexico—completed their studies at seven CCN IFP Centers. These centers include the CCN IFP Centers at Heilongjiang University, Jiangsu University, Tianjin University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an Shiyou University, Northwestern Polytechnical University, and Shanghai IFP Centre.

CCN Foundation Test (CFT) Conducted with Rigorous Management and Organization
On July 13-14 and July 27-28, 2024, a total of 336 IFP students participated in the unified online CCN Foundation Test for the 2023-2024 academic year. The examination process was smooth and well-organized, reflecting CCN’s high standards in exam management.

External Review by Exam Board Ensures Fairness of Test Results
In accordance with the CCN IFP’s academic quality assurance system(QA), the CCN Smart Question Bank System (SQB) handled automatic grading of objective questions, while subjective questions were reviewed internally by the IFP centers. To ensure fairness, the CCN Academic Management Center (AMC) invited nine external Exam Board experts from Tianjin University and Shanghai International Studies University to conduct a 100% re-evaluation of the CFT and IFP results.
The external review, conducted over nearly six days, included comprehensive evaluations of the exam design, online platform settings, and management policies. It also involved 100% secondary grading of internal scores, and random sampling reviews of attendance, monthly tests, and phase evaluations. Exam Board finally confirmed the fairness and accuracy of the IFP final results used for admissions to CCN member universities.
经考试委员会评审认定:2023-2024学年ABC路径学生毕业成绩通过率为89%,优秀率达到58%,所有CCN IFP毕业生将凭借IFP毕业成绩录取进入自己心仪的大学,在CCN的帮助下开启留学中国下一段美好历程。
The pass rate of IFP results for Routes A, B, and C for the 2023-2024 academic year was 89%, with an excellence rate of 58%. All CCN IFP graduates will use their IFP results to apply to their desired universities and start the next exciting phase of studying in China with CCN’s support.

Exam Board Highly Recognizes Teaching Quality and Exam System
On July 21 and August 2, 2024, the Exam Board held online review meetings to evaluate graduation exams in subjects such as Chinese for academic purposes, mathematics, physics, and research methodology. The Exam Board highly praised the overall design of the CCN IFP, the rigor of the online platform, the detail of the exam organization, and the thoroughness of daily assessments. They also provided suggestions for improving the internal scoring quality at some centers. The Exam Board unanimously confirmed that the IFP results for the 2023-2024 CCN IFP are accurate and valid, serving as reliable credentials for admission to CCN member universities. They commended the CCN Academic Management Center and the IFP centers for their joint efforts in achieving the program’s educational goals and delivering high-quality graduates to CCN member universities.