CCN hosted Professor Dr. Sergey Kalendzhyan, Dean of Graduate School of Corporate Management, RANEPA, and his entourage

2023年5月10日上午,CCN副秘书长杨静思女士在CCN上海总部接待了俄联邦总统国民经济与公共管理学院工商管理学院院长卡伦江·谢尔盖·奥加诺维奇Sergey Kalendzhyan教授、副院长古米列夫斯卡娅·奥丽加·弗拉基米罗芙娜Olga Gumilevskaya女士、俄中人文科技合作促进会主席纪进凤女士等一行四人。
On May 10th, 2023, Ms. Sabrina Yang, Deputy Secretary-General of CCN, received Professor Dr. Sergey Kalendzhyan, Dean of Graduate School of Corporate Management (GSCM), RANEPA, Ms. Olga Gumilevskaya, Vice Dean of GSCM, and Ms. Ji Jinfeng, President of the Russian-Chinese Association for the Promotion of Cooperation in Humanities and Science, at CCN Shanghai headquarters.
俄联邦总统国民经济与公共管理学院是一所总部位于俄罗斯首都莫斯科的百年名校,是唯一一所直属于俄罗斯联邦总统的教育机构,俄罗斯联邦最顶级的政治经济学院,苏联第一所商学院,全俄罗斯联邦唯一获得AACSB认证的商学院也是全球获得AACSB,Equis,AMBA 三大认证为数不多进入前1%的商业学院。该校是俄罗斯及欧洲地区社会经济和人文科学领域最大高校,俄联邦内五所顶级高校俄罗斯两大三院之一。 现拥有学生270000余人,教职工2602人。学校下设12个社会科学各领域的研究所,10个培训中心,65个研究中心和研究所,以及俄罗斯联邦境内的47个分支机构。
Graduate School of Corporate Management (GSCM), RANEPA, is a century-old famous university with headquartered in the Russian capital, Moscow. It is the only educational institution directly under the President of the Russian Federation, the top political and economic graduate school in the Russian Federation, the first business school in the Soviet Union, the only business school in the Russian Federation that has obtained AACSB accreditation and also one of the few business schools in the world that has obtained AACSB, Equis, AMBA all three acceptations as well as one of the top 1% business schools globally.
RANEPA is the largest university in the field of socio-economic and humanistic sciences in Russia and Europe, and one of the five top universities in the Russian Federation. At present, it has more than 270,000 students and 2,602 teaching staff. The University consists of 12 institutes in various fields of social sciences, 10 training centres, 65 research centers and institutes, as well as 47 branches in the Russian Federation.
俄联邦总统国民经济与公共管理学院是“CCN全球无国界校园(CCN International Borderless Campus,IBC)”的俄方成员院校之一,副校长Margolin Andrey 教授&高等企业管理学院院长Sergey Kalendzhyan教授曾在2022年8月23日举行的CCN全球无国界校园成立仪式暨国际论坛上代表俄方院校致辞并做主题发言。 此次来访是疫情后该校代表团首次来访中国,双方进行了友好会谈。
GSCM is one of the Russian Member Universities of the CCN International Borderless Campus (IBC). Vice Rector, Professor Margolin Andrey and Dean Sergey Kalendzhyan delivered the keynote speech on behalf of Russian universities at the CCN IBC Launch Ceremony and International Forum held on August 23rd, 2022. This visit also represents the first time a university delegation visited CCN Shanghai office after the epidemic, and the two sides had friendly talks.

会谈上,CCN副秘书长杨静思女士对卡伦江·谢尔盖·奥加诺维奇Sergey Kalendzhyan院长一行的来访表示热烈欢迎,并向客人们全面介绍了留学中国预科教育联盟(China Campus Network,CCN)的发展战略、CCN在打造国际预科教育体系、建设全球校园网络、开拓全球市场、构建全球人才培养生态系统方面所取得的成就以及正在开展的工作。卡伦江·谢尔盖·奥加诺维奇Sergey Kalendzhyan院长也介绍了俄联邦总统国民经济与公共管理学院特别是工商管理学院的历史与现状,表达了加强与中国高等教育合作的战略发展需求。
双方围绕CCN全球无国界校园的建设与合作模式进行了探讨,形成了俄联邦总统国民经济与公共管理学院学生在俄罗斯本科学习阶段开展非全日制CCN国际预科硕研项目学习,本科毕业时升入CCN成员高校攻读硕士学位的项目合作方案设想。同时,双方还共同探讨了整合“一带一路”人才培养校企联盟资源,组织俄联邦总统国民经济与公共管理学院MBA项目学生参访中国企业,了解中国企业的数字化转型及商业创新的合作项目的可能性。最后,双方就已经确定的“数字中国项目”(Digital China Programme,DCP)合作与运营细节进行的讨论,并达成了共识。双方约定会后尽快完成CCN全球无国界校园合作框架下CCN与俄联邦总统国民经济与公共管理学院的合作备忘录、CCN与俄联邦总统国民经济与公共管理学院工商管理学院就“数字中国项目”(Digital China Programme,DCP)的合作协议的正式签署。
At the meeting, Ms. Sabrian Yang, Deputy Secretary-General of CCN, warmly welcomed the visitors, Professor Dr. Sergey Kalendzhyan and his entourage, and introduced the development strategy of the China Campus Network (CCN), our role in building an international foundation education system and global network of universities, global market development, as well as achievements and ongoing work in building a global talent development ecosystem. Professor Dr. Sergey Kalendzhyan introduced the history and current situation of the Presidential Academy RANEPA, with the focus on Graduate School of Corporate Management (GSCM), and expressed the need for strengthening strategic development cooperation with China in higher education.
The two sides discussed the construction and cooperation under the umbrella of CCN’s International Borderless Campus (IBC), and formed a project cooperation plan for RANEPA students to participate in CCN Part-Time International Foundation Programme (IFP) for postgraduate degree programme (PG) while still studying their undergraduate studies in Russia, and right upon graduation, pursue a master’s degree at CCN Member Universities. At the same time, the two sides also discussed the integration of the resources of the “Belt and Road” Talent Cultivation School-Enterprise Alliance (UEA) and organize opportunities for RANEPA`s MBA students to visit Chinese enterprises and further their understanding about different possibilities for cooperation projects on digital transformation and business innovation of Chinese enterprises. In the end, they discussed and reached consensus on the cooperation and operation details for the implementation of Digital China Programme (DCP). The two sides agreed to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation between CCN and RANEPA under the framework of CCN International Borderless Campus (IBC) Cooperation as well as a Cooperation Agreement between CCN and GSCM on Digital China Programme (DCP) as soon as possible after the meeting.

会谈最后,卡伦江·谢尔盖·奥加诺维奇Sergey Kalendzhyan院长诚挚邀请杨静思副秘书长访问俄联邦总统国民经济与国家行政学院高等企业管理学院,希望通过互访,进一步加深相互之间的了解,并探讨更多未来合作的可能性。
At the end of the talks, Professor Dr. Sergey Kalendzhyan, Dean of Graduate School of Corporate Management, sincerely invited Deputy Secretary-General, Sabrina Yang, to visit GSCM and RANEPA, hoping to further deepen mutual understanding and explore more possibilities for future cooperation through the exchange of visits.