6 Outstanding CCN Alumni Won Internship Offers from Top Chinese Workspace Solution Provider SUNON
Since China Campus Network (CCN) announced the launch of the jointly developed CCN-Sunon Internship Programme within the framework of “Belt and Road” Talents Cultivation University-Enterprise Alliance (UEA) in April this year, qualified students have gone through the CCN Career Training preparing them for the internship interview. This Monday, six outstanding CCN Alumni have finally received their Internship Offers inviting them to start their journey From Internship to Employment with Sunon.

The CCN-Sunon Internship Programme presents an exciting opportunity for students to explore a possible career path after graduation and get to know an international Chinese company, however, the students needed to test themselves at a real job interview before they could secure an offer for themselves. To support the students to truly showcase their academic and multilingual abilities, CCN invited Human Resource Management experts with rich experience in Chinese companies, Flora Wang (王政菲), Director of Human Resources at Guanghua Education Group, and Sue Ren (任晓栋), Director of Personnel Administration at Wenxiang Education, to act as the students UEA Career Coaches. During the 1 on 1 training sessions the students were coached about how to prepare a brilliant CV and Cover Letter to empress future employers and how to make a great impression at the interview.

The Career Training resulted in excellent students` performance at the Sunon interview securing 6 offer letters! These 6 CCN Alumni will have the opportunity to join the 2 months summer internship at Sunon starting on July 3rd. However, the short-term internship is not the end of this career development journey. Students that will excel at the internship programme will be considered for opportunities of formal employment after graduation at the Sunon Headquarters in China or Sunon International Divisions located in students` home countries.
The CCN-Sunon Internship Programme represent a new model of career assistance to our CCN Alumni executed under the big umbrella of the Alumni Success Project effectively integrating all Univerity-Entreprise Alliance resources. China Campus Network will work on replicating the model and cooperate with more companies inside the Alliance and plans to showcase the excellent results of the CCN-Sunon Internship Programme at the 2023 China-ASEAN Education Exchange Week in August.

Alina Kudoiarova and Sebastian Castro
“Now I definitely have more confidence in myself and in the materials for self-presentation. I know for sure that I will worry less. I will definitely be prepared for the basic questions that HR managers can ask, and now I know how to properly talk about my strengths in order to interest employers. We can say that after this program, I have formed a ready-made template for future interviews, which will definitely help me in finding employment in the future.”
“The most helpful thing of the career training program was reviewing my CV with Sue and then rewriting it with her help. CV’s in china are so different than in my country.”