CCN Alumni
Bernard Bailey Yulianto (Indonesian)
2023 Graduate of IFP for Undergraduate Study, Engineering Stream, Route C1
CCN IFP Center of Tianjin University
Currently an undergraduate student studying Computer Science and Technology at Beihang University
Why did you choose to study in China?
The prospect of living in a Chinese speaking country is very broad, as China is a very strong country, and production industry is the biggest in China.
What do you like most about China?
China has a very diverse culture and history, and even so, it has modernized the cities and looks very futuristic, especially in Shanghai and Beijing.
How did IFP help you prepare for university study?
IFP has prepared me with the basics of Chinese and basics of China High School maths, and it’s quite different from where we came from. It really helped me a lot. Honestly, without it, maybe I would be lost now. It’s recommended to take the CCN IFP programme first.
IFP has also helped me in maths because we studied maths in a different language. Using Chinese as the main language in studying maths in China is very challenging.